
also known as poplar Learn more about also known as poplar

  • What is the latest information about poplars?

    What is the latest information about poplars?

    White poplar, also known as poplar, silver poplar, etc., is a deciduous tree of the poplar family, characterized by strong vitality, tall and straight, strong and unwavering, close to unity, striving for the top, stubborn and indomitable spirit, various uses, can be used as firewood,

    2020-11-10 The latest poplar information which poplar also known as poplar
  • What are the characteristics of the latest poplar?

    What are the characteristics of the latest poplar?

    White poplar is a deciduous tree of the genus Populus of the family Populus, also known as white poplar, silver poplar, etc., generally 15 to 30 meters high, gray-white bark, is a very common tree, very strong survivability, roadside, ridge, where there is loess, there is its existence, a variety of uses

    2020-11-10 The latest poplar have what characteristics yes
  • The latest course of Poplar planting techniques and methods

    The latest course of Poplar planting techniques and methods

    White poplar, also known as poplar, silver poplar, etc., is a deciduous tree of the poplar family Populus, with strong viability. It exists on the roadside and near the ridges of the fields where there is loess. The trunk is slender and erect, up to 20 meters high. It can be used as firewood, furniture, purlin beams and production.

    2020-11-10 The latest poplar planting techniques methods tutorials
  • What is the way poplars spread their seeds?

    What is the way poplars spread their seeds?

    Poplar is a plant of the genus Poplar, also known as Salix mandshurica and Salix centipestris, which is distributed in most parts of China and is often used as a street, landscape and protective tree species. So how does it spread the seeds? What is the method for poplars to spread their seeds? The naturally growing poplars are

    2020-11-08 Poplar spread seed method what is it poplar yes
  • Skin rot of poplar and its control methods

    Skin rot of poplar and its control methods

    Skin rot, also known as rot, is mainly distributed in Northeast, Northwest and North China. It mainly harms the branches of trees and is highly contagious. once the disease is prevalent, it often causes a large area of forest death and great losses. In recent years, due to large-scale planting of poplar, the disease often occurs everywhere, a single poplar variety is planted.

  • Appreciation of bonsai pictures of Pearl and Yellow Poplar

    Appreciation of bonsai pictures of Pearl and Yellow Poplar

    English name: Pearl yellow poplar alias: fish scale yellow poplar Latin name: Buxussinicavar.parvifolia family genus: Populus tomentosa family distribution: Anhui Dabie Mountain, Huangshan Mountain, Lushan Mountain in Jiangxi Province and other pearl boxwood, also known as Chinese old tree, fish scale wood

  • How much is the price of tall and straight poplar seedlings? What are the characteristics? Which variety is better? How do you plant it?

    How much is the price of tall and straight poplar seedlings? What are the characteristics? Which variety is better? How do you plant it?

    Poplar belongs to the genus Poplar, with more than 100 species in all genera, also known as Ma Liu (Hubei) and centipede willow (Anhui). Mainly distributed in Liaoning, Jilin, Xinjiang, northern Shaanxi, Shandong. So how much is a poplar seedling? What are the characteristics? Which variety is better? What?

    2020-11-09 Tall tall and straight poplar seedlings price more less money
  • What are the characteristics of poplar?

    What are the characteristics of poplar?

    What are the characteristics of poplar?

  • Identification and Control of Black spot of Poplar

    Identification and Control of Black spot of Poplar

    Poplar black spot, also known as poplar brown spot, the disease can infect a variety of poplar, seedlings, young trees, big trees can be susceptible, seriously affect the normal growth of trees, resulting in economic losses. Symptoms: generally occur in leaf shoots and ears, spread from top to bottom, mainly harm to leaves, disease.

  • Occurrence regularity and control methods of black spot of poplar

    Occurrence regularity and control methods of black spot of poplar

    Poplar black spot, also known as poplar brown spot, generally occurs on the tender shoots and ears of poplars and spreads from top to bottom, thinking that it is mainly harmful to the leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, needlelike sunken and shiny spots appeared on the back of the leaves, and then the disease spots expanded to about 1 mm. Black, slightly raised, brown spots also appeared on the front of the leaves for 5-6 days.

  • What are the materials of poplar trees?

    What are the materials of poplar trees?

    What are the materials of poplar trees?

  • One of the most precious wild vegetables in the south grows only in living springs, commonly known as water-based poplars.

    One of the most precious wild vegetables in the south grows only in living springs, commonly known as water-based poplars.

    Everyone has eaten a lot of wild vegetables, some growing in the mountains, some growing on the roadside, some as valuable as matsutake and chicken fir, and some cheap dandelions and purslane for free. Anyway, when most people talk about wild vegetables, all they think of is.

  • Appreciation of red sandalwood bonsai pictures

    Appreciation of red sandalwood bonsai pictures

    English name: red sandalwood alias: green dragon wood, yellow cypress wood, rose wood, flower palm wood, feather sandalwood Latin name: Pterocarpusindicus family genus: Leguminosae red sandalwood red sandalwood tree is one of the world's precious wood, red sandalwood bonsai has always been favored by bonsai lovers

  • Cultivation techniques of "Yellow Poplar"

    Cultivation techniques of

    "Huang Yang" alias: Holly spear, Zhenggi. Scientific name: BuxusmicrophyllaSieb.etZucc family: Populus tomentosa. Tree species characteristics: Populus tomentosa, also known as melon seeds, thousand-year-old dwarf, evergreen shrubs or small trees of the family Populus. The trunk is gray and smooth, with dense branches and four-angled branches. Leaves opposite, leathery, entire, elliptic or Obovate, apex rounded or retuse, surface bright green, abaxially yellowish green. Flowers clustered in leaf axils or branch ends, blooming from April to May, flowers yellowish green. The cucurbit fruit is oval.

  • How much is the price of shrub leafy yellow poplar seedlings? How do you plant it? How to make bonsai trees?

    How much is the price of shrub leafy yellow poplar seedlings? How do you plant it? How to make bonsai trees?

    Populus tomentosa, also known as Populus tomentosa, is a shrub of the genus Populus of the family Populus, with low growth, dense branches, cylindrical branches, flowers held in March and fruit in May-June. So how much is the price of small poplar seedlings? How do you plant it? How to make bonsai trees? How much is the price of small poplar seedlings?

  • Production Technology of Poplar Bonsai

    Production Technology of Poplar Bonsai

    Boxwood, also known as sparrow tongue boxwood, pearl boxwood, its tree shape is beautiful, and thick and accompanied by luster, the most important thing is that boxwood is evergreen all the year round, it is a precious material for bonsai production, it can be made into bonsai masterpieces for the world to watch. If the old yellow poplar piles are excavated from the mountains to create bonsai.

  • Control methods of yellow poplar silk wild borer in garden ornamental trees

    Control methods of yellow poplar silk wild borer in garden ornamental trees

    Distribution and damage to the yellow poplar silk borer DiaphaniaperspectalisWalker also known as the yellow poplar black edge borer moth. It belongs to Lepidoptera, Pyralidae. Distributed all over the country. The larvae are harmful to Populus tomentosa, Holly and Euonymus. The insect is sudden, the light ones affect the normal growth, and the heavy ones wither and fall off, resulting in bald branches and death of the young plants. The morphological characteristics of the adult are about 23 mm in length and 48 mm in wingspan. Except for the front edge, outer edge and posterior edge of the forewing.

  • How much is a carambola sapling? This kind of seed can produce a high yield!

    How much is a carambola sapling? This kind of seed can produce a high yield!

    Carambola, also known as Wulianzi and carambola, is a tropical fruit with high nutritional value. it is very popular because of its good appearance, sweet and sour pulp, and the taste of mango, grape and lemon. It is being planted in many areas.

    2020-11-09 Carambola saplings probably more less money one tree so can be planted high yield
  • The rot disease of poplar and its control

    The rot disease of poplar and its control

    Poplar is a general name for deciduous trees of the genus Populus in the family Populus. There are more than 100 species in all genera, mainly distributed in temperate zone, cold zone, Mediterranean coastal countries and Middle East in Europe, Asia and North America. There are more than 50 species in China. Wood is used as civil building materials, producing furniture, matchsticks, sawn timber, paper, etc., but also man-made.

  • How much is the price of evergreen shrub Populus tomentosa seedlings? What are the cutting techniques? How to trim and maintain?

    How much is the price of evergreen shrub Populus tomentosa seedlings? What are the cutting techniques? How to trim and maintain?

    Phnom Penh boxwood, also known as Phnom Penh holly spear, Masaki, big leaf box. no, no, no. It belongs to evergreen shrubs or small trees with slightly quadrangular branchlets and dense branches and leaves. So how much is the price of yellow poplar seedlings in Phnom Penh? What are the cutting techniques? How to trim and maintain? How much is the price of yellow poplar seedlings in Phnom Penh?
